An image based on the concept: End of an Era, illustrating a major internet radio service shutting down. The picture should reflect a state-of-the-art realistic, high-definition image that captures a metaphoric shutdown of such a service. Visual elements which could be included in this scene might be powerful servers being switched off, a dimming logo on the screen of a phone, a final musical note fading into silence. At the same time, the image must allude to new opportunities, perhaps through an image of a sunrise or an open door, symbolizing new horizons.


重要な発表として、文化放送は、愛されるインターネットラジオサービス「超!A&G+」が3月31日をもって運営を終了すると明らかにしました。 アニメ、ゲーム、声優のファンが別れを告げる中、いくつかの番組は4月から地上 […]

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